We all think about drawing up a will as we get older or experience failing health. We know the value of putting our house in order, of planning for the inevitable. We think about how to fairly divide up our earthly assets and care for our loved ones financially and practically when we’re gone.
But what of our emotional will? What memories, dreams, reflections and real closure do we leave behind when we die? It’s a nebulous list, these myriad experiences and impressions that make up our lives. But they’re equally if not more important than the tally of bank accounts and land titles.
What kind of legacy do we want to leave behind, and how do we want to be remembered after our death? What do we leave behind that actually lasts forever?
Writing an obituary can be a joyous, creative and life-affirming act. Living well and dying well are intertwined – and an obituary encapsulates that wisdom. At Live Life Twice, the unique entirety of your life or that of a loved one is turned into a living work of art. I find the perfect words to create a lasting legacy that will bloom and flourish long after we’ve left the earth.